ArtEd – Growing up through art in education
A long-standing dream of Artpolis was realized through the project ArtEd – Growing up through Art in Education, with the support of GIZ Kosovo on behalf of the German Government, for Kosovo school institutions to have theatre clubs, where public performances or discussions in the form of art will take place. Like this, pupils from early days will get acquainted with the theatre and through this form of art fight negative phenomena or address issues and concerns that concern different age groups and pupils.
As the implementing organization of this project, Artpolis has created theatre clubs in 20 champion schools in 7 municipalities to increase the participation mechanisms at the school level, promote the involvement of pupils and parents in school development, and to address negative phenomena such as: violence, discrimination, harassment and other. During the pandemic situation, together they created video dramas with pupils of these clubs addressing very important topics for these children.
Key objectives intended to be achieved through the establishment of theatre clubs
- To increase the quality of education through non-formal and extracurricular activities
- To introduce interactive learning methods and address negative phenomena
- To promote pupil’s participation, equality and diversity
- Encourage pupils’ creativity and critical thinking
- To develop artistic skills and abilities, and self-esteem of pupils
- To increase parental involvement in decision-making and activities in the interest of pupils
- To improve the school environment and create more suitable conditions for development
Beneficiaries and benefits from project implementation
- 20 schools selected by GIZ, have benefited from their capacity building
- 20 theatre clubs have been established in each champion school with 10 – 15 pupils participating
- 20 pupils (of grades 6 to 9) and 20 teachers from 20 champion schools, were involved in the training “Theatre Based Education”
- 20 theatre clubs participated in online training “Poster Design in Canva”
- 20 theatre clubs were included in online competition on Facebook to select the most popular posters
- 40 students (of grades 7 to 9) from 20 champion schools, were also involved in online training for the “Costume Design”
- Participation in the 8th edition of the festival “Youth Theatre Fest” with performances through video dramas, to be held online in December, 2020